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Winter Mountain

ironsoap 26 Nov 2018

I tried this one using (almost exclusively) the contents of the Master Paint Set, interested to know if the "special formulations" and "official equipment" would be sort of the secret sauce to the wet-on-wet technique.
Obviously, the short answer is "no." And, interestingly, I think this is my least successful attempt so far (barring my very first which I didn't even finish as it was such a raw practice effort). There were definitely some mistakes made that had nothing to do with the equipment. My DIY liquid white was much thicker than the official stuff, which threw me off a little, and I failed to prime the canvas gray so I struggled with even application which caused some initial issues just with the sky and lower half base. I also got cute with my color selection because I wanted to add some pink tint to the snow to go with the sunrise-like sky, which was maybe an okay idea but I didn't mix up enough of almost every color as I went along which made color matching after the fact an exercise in futility.
And of course there is my technique, especially when it came to the palette knife on the mountain. The excessive mist and layered forest was an artifact of a "happy accident" in which I scraped off a huge chunk of the mountain around the horizon due to it looking just terrible. I'm sure the muddy gray fog at the base of the mountain seems like a poor choice, but anything is an improvement over what I got rid of.
In the end my opinion is that the brushes and knife included with the Master Kit are pretty great (I could use a few more though to save time) and I definitely want to give the official liquid white formula a few more tries. But in terms of the darker colored paints and in particular the titanium white I wasn't terribly impressed. There weren't any of the opaque highlight colors included in the Kit used in this particular episode so I'll have to see how those work on a later piece. I'm certainly not sorry to have tried the paints (I'm sure I'll use the rest of the tubes), and I don't regret finding that the more expensive, harder-to-find BR officials aren't somehow magical, but I do sort of which this one had turned out a bit better especially given how long I worked on it. But I did have fun, learned a few things, and practiced a couple techniques I'm sure will come up again and again so, in the end, it was definitely worth it.


Felix Creator of

Thanks for you insights! Great to hear some thoughts about the official equipment.
What kind of color and brushes did you use before you tried the Bob Ross brand?

Hi Felix, thanks for the comment. I had some super cheap Artist's Loft brushes from Michael's and was using Winsor & Newton "Winton" paints. After a couple more tries with the Bob Ross brand paints, I went ahead and just invested more heavily in the Wintons. I find they're actually thicker (especially the Titanium White) than BR brand and other than a few infrequently used ones, they have obvious color equivalents.

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