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Daisy Delight

NTZArt 23 Jan 2023

Cute little painting and VERY easy to do. I couldnโ€™t get into something complex due to my schedule. So I went for this fun one!

I still learnt something new! The little fence is done by removing paint off the canvas. Spraying the canvas with paint thinner over the liquid clear was def fun to see the 2 react. Got to make some daisies for the 1st time. I added some orange ones. I thought they would work well with the white and blue ones.



This one is fun and easy Nancy,great job!

Hey Nancy , you paint so much/ fast ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ i like the Little flรถwers very much and the Fence Looks very cool . I hope i can paint this or next week .โ€œWinter in Pastel โ€ž. Tor much work in my Company ๐Ÿ˜Ž

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thanks you B!!! ๐ŸŒผ

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you Dirk!! ๐Ÿ˜Š I am working part time so it helps a tons to be able to paint often. I am a fitness group coach at Orangetheory fitness. I donโ€™t think they are in Germany yet. I work evenings. So I got the whole day to workout and/or paint! ๐Ÿ˜€

Ah okay. I trained Bodybuilding for years in different studios/ Center but now (since 3 years) the Time is over and i go back to table Tennis i also do it for years when i was Younger ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ˜Ž

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Wow! Did you compete or just worked out? I competed for 10 years in bodybuilding, division Figure . I ear y my IFBB pro card in 2017. I do not compete anymore. I am now 47 and itโ€™s too hard on the body. I added 2 pictures of me above when I got my pro card.

I played tennis table in high school. Fun but definitively not great! ๐Ÿ˜… Do you compete?

Wow Nancy , breathless , what a shape , Respect i Kniow how Hard it is ๐Ÿ‘€no competition , just work out . 1,91 height 107 kg best form Now 96 kg Iโ€˜m 54 years. To many Injuries elbow, shoulder , Right Hand Op, that was the end i Look at older Fotos to find some ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Table Tennis with Ex Team Players But also just private to be fit ๐Ÿ“

Wow Nancy your painting frequency is awesome. This is really something unusual from Bob, which I think you really mastered well. Especially the flowers caught my attention. I think they are awesome!

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Really nice! Good job!

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Really nice! Good color harmony and cute daisies.

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you so much Tom! It is very unusual from Bob indeed! I had so much fun with the daisies! I will def put some more in future paintings! ๐Ÿ˜€

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you so much Dirk!! โ˜บ๏ธ

I totally understand, injuries are part of my life. Getting old is no fun. But I learned how to deal with them and work around them.

Your pictures show drive and commitment to the nth degree and the same shows through in your paintings Nancy! Excellence

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you so much B! It means a lot! โ˜บ๏ธ

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

I liked this one too. Very a typical of a Bob painting isnโ€™t it?

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Very typical! Lol!

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