While I was working on this one I felt like I had really botched it… but some creative solutions (and scraping off and redoing about half of the foreground) I ended up with something I didn’t hate!
I did see some improvement in my cloud definition, and I was more mindful to not blend out too much of my mountains for an unnaturally large “misty area” so definitely some improvements.
The main thing I’m still struggling with though is the highlights on my bushes and leafy trees. It seems that no matter how much I add thinner or liquid white, I get 1-2 presses of highlight before by brush is saturated with by dark colors.
I feel like I’ve found tons of ways to hide my poor bush work with other details, which works to an extent, but if anyone has any tips/tricks I’d love to head what works for you!
Great trees, mountains and amazing colors in the water and the sky!
Like Tom say, nice strong sky and cool water Reflexions !! Over all good work
I would never have been able to tell you struggle this much. Tho, I am used to struggling, scrapping and redoing too. I have learned lots thru out and still learn tons.
I have the same issue at time. Here is what I do. The 1st application of the highlights always comes up good. If you keep going with out brushing out the dark color on a paper towel and reloading with you highlight color, you will have a struggle of hell. I checked a Bob Ross certified lady a month ago and she does get the dark color on her highlight color brush too. That’s what she was doing. You need to do it almost at every 1-2 times. When done, go about the rest of your painting and come back on that section at the end of your painting session. Try to put a 2nd round of highlights if it darkened after a while. The 2nd pass is always easier and the highlights will really pop.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more explanations. 😀
@Ninoum thanks! My wife says I'm always my own worst critic... Typically I'm super dissatisfied with my work when I finish, then a day or two later I decide "nevermind I love this one" haha
Appreciate the suggestion! Making sure I understand... the idea is to load your dark + highlight onto the same brush strategically (kinda like how Bob does rocks on the filbert brush with the highlight loaded on one side) so you get both in the first initial layer, then later touch it up after it has a little time to dry with more highlights?
Let me explain it this way...
Do your dark first as usual. When you are ready to apply you highlights, you will have to clean you brush very gently on a paper towel to remove the dark paint on it. Reload it with fresh highlight paint and repeat the procedure as often as needed. You may have to do it a lot!! When done, keep painting the rest of your art. When completely done, you may have to do a 2nd highlight pass as touch ups. The 2nd time, the light paint stick much better. You still have to be very gentile on the dab. But it will really pop stronger.
Funny how you don't like your painting at first and after a day or two, you start liking it. I experience the same!!! 😅 We are def our own worse critic!
Gotcha, thanks for clarifying! Will have to try that approach next time! Sounds like more than anything I'm being impatient haha.
Any time she gives be trouble for being too hard on myself, I remind her that Bob specifically asked me to be plagued with dissatisfaction, so it's just part of the process!
I heard Bob saying that yesterday as I was watching him! So true! I guess you are on the right path then! Lol!
Pleasure to clarify! I don’t want my painting to bug me after that I am done, so I scrap off tons & figured out lots of tricks. Love to share them!
I heard Bob saying that yesterday as I was watching him! So true! I guess you are on the right path then! Lol!
Pleasure to clarify! I don’t want my painting to bug me after that I am done, so I scrap off tons & figured out lots of tricks. Love to share them!
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Looks good. I especially like the colorful sky and its reflections in the water.