This is my first painting ever, I'm a construction worker on layoff, think I'm my try more.
Dirk1968 thank you, now I need to ditch the wally-world brushes, and slow down, this stuff takes forever to dry, I rushed it.
You know,Oil takes Time but look at the drying process and see whats happen with the paint 😎
Wonderful first painting! with practice you will learn more about oil paint and Bob's techniques. Don't be surprised if that painting (with so much white) takes a while to dry!
Saying, see what happens with the paint, is making me nervous,lol
Dont worry about. Make 4 Photos . Directly from the fresh , After one day ,After 1 week and After a Month . You will know what i mean . 👀😎
Ok will do, but honestly, I'm having a hard time even looking at it. I see all the flaws now, I was super excited about it, but now the whole picture bugs me.
Common , First try .With every painting you will become better and better . Go for it 😎
I know exactly how you feel, brian. I struggle to look at my work all the time. it will get easier to review your own work with time. just know that most viewers will never see the flaws that a creator may fixate upon. The overall vibe of this painting is very appealing, rather than focusing on each element, I am enjoying the picture as a whole. Excellent first go.
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For your first painting ever it looks great