This piece just screams Bob Ross. A couple fluffy clouds, an almighty mountain, and some happy trees. There's something for everyone 😃
Thanks Rah, Tom, and U
Beautiful! Love the sky and your mountains...great depth also!
Thank you Sandy!
nice & bright Matt.Great view!Cheers,P
Thank you P!
Another great one from Matt Ross. Bob who?
Lol thanks John
Fantastic work Matt!
Thanks Brian
I love the colorful reflections here, really captured the wild in this one
Thanks Kaylee
If you’re bored check out the additional photo I posted. It’s shows the true colors a little bit better.
You’re right, the colors do have a better feel to them. Was it more wet in the first painting or just different lighting?
The first I took at night using artificial light. The second I took during the day under natural light. That's what I typically do but I was in too big of a hurry to upload lol.
I totally know what you mean! My painting room has a huge window and if I take a photo just after painting, the window adds a HUGE amount of glare to half of my photo/painting. I have been trying to wait a day or two to take the photo, but like you I often am too excited and want to share sooner!
I have to ask though, did you use phthalo green on the shadow side of the mountain? Is has such a pretty hue, that was what first drew me in on your first artificially lit version.
Yep I did add a some phthalo green on the shadow side. I saw Nic Hankins do that on one of his mountains. I thought it was a neat idea and really gives it some extra punch. If you check out a few of my last mountains you'll notice I did the same thing on them.
Dang! Yes I do rEAlly love it, and I think I likely be using this in some future mountains if you don’t mind! I feel like my shadow colors are always with phthalo blue and often black or brown but that green is truly something else!
Absolutely. Gotta use these little tricks and ideas we learn along the way.
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Great mountain in this one, and good creation of depth. This was actually the first Bob Ross painting I ever did, I will have to do a new version for comparison. Great learning exercise for beginners too as it contains a lot of elements to practise technique.