One last painting for 2021. I only have two seascapes left and this was one of them. Plus I haven't done one in a while. This marks the 235th BR painting I've done too. I hope you all have a great New Year!
About that 235 again, .... will you attempt to do all 403 of them?
That would be 404 with 'Grandeur of summer' included.
Ahhh The shore..Lovely.Happy New Year.
Just gorgeous! Happy New Year and congrats on doing so many paintings!
Thanks everyone!
Voy, I am going to try and do the entire series. We'll see if I can get that accomplished in 2022.
Good luck my friend, I am all the way behind ya!! 👍😊
Thanks Voy! Only 169 to go haha.
Well done with the waves. I find they're tough to get right! Good job!
Thanks Sarah. I enjoy the seascapes.
nailed the light in the main wave there, only suggestion would be to dull/blend out the white "accents" in the back waves a bit, looks too bright for being farther away
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Another standing ovation for you Matt!
235 already?? That is WAW!! I will be happy if I will have 225 or so (now 191 already) since I don't fancy a lot of Bob's earlier work.
That big wave real has a booster against that cliff. Your light/shadow work is exemplary!
Have a great New Year Matt, to you and your loved ones!!