Painting with MilanC. part 18: Светозар Милетић

Just like always, here are the main phases of my painting process:
01. Preparation phase;
02. Sketch phase;
03. Painting phase.

I Preparation phase:

For my next idea, I thought of painting Svetozar Miletić, a famous Serbian lawyer, journalist, author and politician who served as the mayor of Novi Sad. The original source is the painting painted by Uroš Predić:


For this painting, I’ll be using pencils and crayons on Blok 5 (A5 format paper). I also used crayons, wooden colors and some pencils. For colors, I was using a combination of black, gray, yellow, orange blue and brown.

II Sketch phase:

In this phase, I'll draw a sketch for the painting, nothing special. After drawing the sketch, we’ll end up with something like this:


III Painting phase:

At first it wasn't that difficult painting the main body, which took me approximately 2 hours. Starting from the bottom and finishing the head, I didn't have any trouble painting him. For now, we should get something like this:


The background was a bit more complicated. I first started by applying a brown crayon, followed with a black crayon and finally, shading with a pencil. It was difficult shading because I had to rub my finger on the paper to make it more smooth. On the other side, I had to use an orange crayon, mixed with orange and yellow crayon, and later shade it with a pencil. It took me about 5 hours for the background, but overall I'm happy with a final result:


If you have other painting suggestions, let me know down below. I hope you enjoy this one.