Painting with MilanC. part 16: Свети Јован Крститељ

Just like always, here are the main phases of my painting process:
01. Preparation phase;
02. Sketch phase;
03. Painting phase.

I Preparation phase:

For my next idea, since today it's our Slava, I thought of painting Saint John the Baptist. Slava is an annual tradition popular among the Orthodox Serbs. This old tradition is an important ethnic marker of Serbian identity. For the source, I used the following image:


For this painting, I’ll be using pencils and crayons on Blok 5 (A5 format paper). I also used crayons, wooden colors and some pencils. For colors, I was using black, yellow, orange, brown, red and blue.

II Sketch phase:

In this phase, I'll draw a sketch for the painting, nothing special. Just like with Leonardo da Vinci, I also added a frame on top, because there was a lot of free space. After drawing the sketch, we’ll end up with something like this:


III Painting phase:

For the last phase, it was a bit complicated, but eventually I was able to do it. First I started by painting all red spots in the painting. I was also using an eraser to make some parts brighter and applying black crayon and pencil to make it darker. I also added red to give it more saturation. The similar process was done, but with all blue spots. After that, I then painted arms and the head. Before I did the head, I painted the hair. The last thing for now I did were a ring and a scroll, and everything should look like this:


The last thing I painted was the background. It wasn't that difficult painting it, however I had to be careful around the letters. For the background, I was using blue crayon and a pencil for shading. It took me a day to do this painting and I'm happy with how it turned out:


If you have other painting suggestions, let me know down below. I hope you enjoy this one.