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Original Creation

Grapes of Wrath

Lilikins 09 Feb 2021

I’ve seen several videos of oil painters painting a two toned base layer and then glazing color on top but never in acrylic. I wanted to see how it would turn out. Overall I’m pretty pleased with the result, however I should have used a lighter or more translucent shade of purple. And probably gone a little easier on the highlights with the grapes. Oh well live and learn! Photo by Tiffany5 at paint my photo

Added an in progress photo to show the base layer before glazing the grapes.



Incredible and beautiful still life! Glazing in acrylics! you shook my world! Never would have thought of such use of acrylics!

One thing that really catches attention as you already mentioned highlights. I cannot access the photo, but it looks like there are 2 sources of light: from right and from left. You did great job on the value and the grapes have spherical shapes, that is incredible how you did it. I would suggest to think if you would like to have only one source of light for the next painting, that would create more drama as more shadows and more pronounced highlights would be possible.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Hey Lili..The grapes of wrath?They look edible.I just ate a bunch that look exactly like these.Amazing!


How Wonderful!! Looks like real. I love it!

Thanks everyone! Hehe I like your title better Pietro so I changed it :)

Sunnylady - yes it’s the 2 light sources that’s what’s bugging me! I couldn’t put my finger on it but that’s it. Looking at the original it does look like most of the light is coming from the right because there’s a slight shadow on the left but the left most grapes have highlight on the far left as well so there must be 2 sources. I might darken up the left highlights and that should help it. Thanks!

The grapes are actually yellow on the layer below to show some of that yellowish bits at the top of grape skin followed by purple. Unfortunately the purple I used is a bit too dark to show it in photos.

Golden has a glazing medium and I’ve previously used it as a slow drying agent and it seriously never occurred to me that it could be used for actual glazing....I’m not always the sharpest tool in the box lol. I just never thought it would be really possible with acrylics. Still not as transparent as oils but that’s partly my fault for not using transparent acrylics - I’m going to pick up some and experiment a bit!

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

cooool!That vase is wonderful.Im bowing as I write.

Thanks Pietro! I’m never painting something with an intricate design again lol. I was not happy with it when it was “done” in the attached photo and couldn’t figure out why it bothered me so. Then I realized I was missing the light reflecting off of it. What a world of difference it makes! So much happier with it now - every with my shaky squiggle design.

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Well.i like both..your change gives the wow factor..color and light..greatness !detail brush on the vase super.

Oh wow thank you Tom! That means so much since you are one of my favorite artists ❤️

Lilikins - don’t forget about where the light comes on the vase. Maybe you need to reassess left or right... you said you work hard on it.

I think the grapes are fine. The dusty effect on the grapes looks real!.Love it.

Wow! My mouth is watering..

The grapes look delicious! I increased brightness on my screen and now I can see the yellow undertone on some of them. Oh my glazing with acrylics! That is impressive job!

heck with the grapes,,,,That vase is a work of art!!!!! overall fantastic

Beautiful work! The detail on the pot is fantastic.

Goodness gracious Lilikins! You have done it again! Wonderful job!


This is spectacular! Those grapes look delicious and the detail on the vase is just incredible

Thanks again everyone :) Tomorrow is my 1 year painting anniversary. I never thought I would be at this point 1 year later. A big part is due to the support from everyone on this site. Thank you!!

Congrats with getting to top 3! Well deserved!

Thank you sunnylady! Thanks to everyone for your support!

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